On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Mitch Collinsworth
<mitch@ccmr.cornell.edu> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I thought I understood how this worked, but now it's baffling me.
> I want to drop a database named coral from my test server and load
> a fresh dump of it from my production server. This has worked when
> I've done it before, but now it's giving me fits. Here's an
> example:
> coral=# \c postgres
> You are now connected to database "postgres".
> postgres=# drop database coral;
> postgres=# create database coral;
> postgres=# \c coral
> You are now connected to database "coral".
> coral=# \dt *.*
> List of relations
> Schema | Name | Type | Owner
> --------------------+--------------------------------+-------+----------
> accmgr | acct_rate | table | accmgr
> accmgr | acct_rate_working | table | accmgr
> accmgr | acct_sum | table | accmgr
> accmgr | acct_sum_raw | table | accmgr
I'm pretty sure that at some time you accidentally created those
tables in template1 and now you're getting them every time you create
a database. Clean out template1 and things should be ok.