On Tue, 30 Apr 2013 06:20:55 -0500, Christoph Berg
<christoph.berg@credativ.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> this is more of a report than a question, because we thought this
> would be interesting to share.
> We recently (finally) migrated an Request Tracker 3.4 database running
> on 8.1.19 to 9.2.4. The queries used by rt3.4 are sometimes weird, but
> 8.1 coped without too much tuning. The schema looks like this:
What version of DBIx-SearchBuilder do you have on that server? The RT guys
usually recommend you have the latest possible so RT is performing the
most sane/optimized queries possible for your database. I honestly don't
know if it will make a difference for you, but it's worth a shot.