Vladimir Sitnikov schrieb am 28.07.2016 um 22:47:
>> It would be nice if someone else could point me in the right direction, because I think
>> that only a change to PreparedStatement would make that complete.
> Am I right your problem is "find a way to identify database type at PreparedStatement#setClob time"?
> I'm afraid, there's no solution for that.
> I'm not quite sure we can easily figure out what is the proper data type for the bind.
That's really a pity, because the (very unusual) handling of "large objects" makes the Clob/Blob handling quite
incompatiable with other JDBC implementations.
> I do not like the idea "having additional round trip to the database just to resolve desired bind types".
Me neither, that would be horrible.
> I do not like the idea of having a switch that binds setClob to text or lob database types either.
Well, in certain environments it would certainly make it easier to switch to Postgres.