dalgoda@ix.netcom.com (Mike Castle) writes:
> In article <m3wuv32wp5.fsf@varsoon.wireboard.com>,
> Doug McNaught <doug@wireboard.com> wrote:
> >Nope. You're either going to have to port the libraries to NetWare
> >(which might not be too hard) or write a "pure Perl" implementation of
> >DBD::Pg (one that speaks the backend protocol directly rather than
> >using the libraries). The former is almost certainly less work. I
> >know there was someone on -hackers working on a NetWare port; you
> >might want to search the archives for that list.
> The JDBC driver is a pure Java implementation, correct?
> Would that be a decent enough starting place for a pure Perl version?
That, plus the chapter in the docs that deals with the wire protocol.
The main downside to doing the above is that you have to track the
wire protocol yourself, rather than relying on libpq to do it for
Doug McNaught Wireboard Industries http://www.wireboard.com/
Custom software development, systems and network consulting.
Java PostgreSQL Enhydra Python Zope Perl Apache Linux BSD...