After a long battle with technology, ("Matt Browne"), an earthling, wrote:
> I apologise in advance if any of my questions are in a FAQ somewhere - I
> haven't seen them...
> Does anyone know when (if ever) replication support will be added to the
> main PostgreSQL codebase? Is there any chance it'll be included in the
> upcoming 7.5 release?
Not much of a chance.
> I've taken a look at the replication solutions already available,
> including the sterling effort made on Slony-I, but we're really
> looking for integrated, base-level support rather than an add-in.
The problem is that "replication" doesn't tend to mean one thing, but
people rather have different ideas of what it means.
Jan Wieck puts it fairly nicely:
"The number of different replication solutions available supports
the theory that ``one size fits all'' is not true when it comes to
database replication."
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
You shouldn't anthropomorphize computers; they don't like it.