In the last exciting episode, ("Edoardo Ceccarelli") wrote:
> Yes, you are right but it wasn't the case this time, I have run the
> explain plenty of times with same results. I think that the reason
> was that I made a simple VACUUM, after a VACUUM FULL ANALYZE (1h!!)
> things are ok
It sounds as though you weren't vacuuming ("just plain vacuum") often
What tends to go wrong is when the table winds up with a LOT of empty
space due to there being a lot of updates to the table without dead
tuples being cleaned out. The table winds up big, with no way to
shrink it without the cost of a VACUUM FULL.
If you vacuumed more often, the size of the table would likely stay
smaller which is sure to be helpful.
Another factor worth considering: If a few values are very common in
the field you are selecting on, then the query optimizer can get
convinced (wrongly) that a Seq Scan is the best choice. Using ALTER
TABLE T ALTER COLUMN C SET STATISTICS [some value] to increase the
number of "bins" can be helpful in such cases. (My pet theory is that
the present default value of 10 is a little low, and that a lot of
optimizer errors might be resolved by bumping it up a bit...)
(format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "")
But what can you do with it? -- ubiquitous cry from Linux-user
partner. -- Andy Pearce, <>