Hi Joel,
Joel Burton schrieb:
> Is there a function for substring replacement?
> There's translate(s, a, b), but that replaces all characters in a with
> their corresponding character in b, eg.
> replace ('this is a cat', 'cat', 'dog') => ghis is o dog
> I'm looking for a function that matches the whole string and replaces it:
> replace ('this is a cat', 'cat', 'dog') => this is a dog
> I know I could write it in PL/PGSQL, but it seems that it would be very
> inefficient. We're not using PL/perl or PL/tcl in this project, so I'd
> rather not do it this way if it coulod be avoided.
As long as you rebuild this functionality with native SQL and/or
PGSQL functions performance should not be a problem at all. Have
a look at this code example which uses plpgsql as language.
CREATE FUNCTION stuff (text, text, text)
AS '
source ALIAS FOR $1;
search ALIAS FOR $2;
newstr ALIAS FOR $3;
prefix text;
postfix text;
pos integer;
len_of_search integer;
pos := position(search in source);
IF pos <= 0 THEN
RETURN source;
len_of_search := char_length(search);
prefix := substring(source from 1 for pos - 1);
postfix := substring(source from pos + len_of_search);
RETURN textcat(textcat(prefix, newstr), postfix);
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
I have made a very simple test to give you an idea of the
performance. I ran
update dt set d = stuff(d, 'dog', 'cat') where d notnull;
on a table with 4096 records of 'this is a dog'. With replacement
output of
time psql test -c "update dt set d = stuff(d, 'dog', 'cat') where d notnull; "
realtime was about 5.8s, without replacement about 1.9s. This on
my now ancient Pentium clone (200MHz IDT Winchip, 72MB RAM). I
think this is not so bad for interpreted PL.
> Am I missing anything? Has anyone already solved this?
> Thanks!
Hope this helps.
> ...
Dipl-Ing. Martin Jacobs * Windsbach * Germany
Registered Linux User #87175, http://counter.li.org/