* ramanajvv@gmail.com wrote:
> We have a unix group "mhubrpt" on DB2 unix server and have connect permissions to DB2 database for that group.
> Whenever user needs access to DB2 database we will add that user to DB2 unix server and assign to group mhubrpt, then
userwas getting access to DB2 database.
> If user wants to connect DB2 database through graphical tool like Toad from any other windows operated machine he
usedto give unix server login credential (userid and password) at Tool.
> We are planning to maintain same type of authentication in PostgreSQL, can you please help us.
You should be able to use PAM authentication, but you will have to
duplicate the users/groups in the database as well because PostgreSQL
does not refer to the system's user accounts.
If you want to create users in only one place, that must be the database.