On 2012-03-23, Gauthier, Dave <dave.gauthier@intel.com> wrote:
> --_000_0AD01C53605506449BA127FB8B99E5E10C358B82FMSMSX105amrcor_
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> v8.3.4 on Linux
> I have a check constraint on a column. The constraint decides pass/fail ba=
> sed on the returned status of a stored procedure call that returns either "=
> OK" or "NO". So when the stored procedure is called, there's a living atte=
> mpt to insert or update a record.
> Question: Is there a handle on the record being inserted or updated? Some=
> thing like what's available in a trigger function (new.col1, old.col2, etc.=
> ..)? If so, what does it look like?
it looks like the name of the table
create function somefunc( a foo ) returns boolean as
$$ begin return a.id <> 7 ; end $$ language plpgsql;
alter table foo add check ( somefunc(foo));
⚂⚃ 100% natural