Hi Alvaro,
This is a second test with some non US-ACII characters...
Since I am in France, I have never seen broken Subject lines.
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
Am 2006-09-09 12:30:25, schrieb Alvaro Herrera:
> I don't know what the conditions are, but mutt frequently produces
> multiline Subjects on my messages, even when I'm answering mail whose
> Subject was not multiline. Maybe the usage of non-ASCII chars has
> something to do with it. If you search the archives of pgsql-es-ayuda
> you can find plenty of examples of this, where threads have changing
> subjects -- some of the mails from me have the truncated subject on the
> archives, while other mails on the same thread have the non-truncated
> subject.
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