On Monday, 29 January 2024 at 09:06, Ron Johnson <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's kinda like being asked to prove that rocks always fall when you drop them. Either you trust physics, because
physicshas always worked, or you must watch every rock, because next time it might not fall. The analogy is slightly
flawed,since we always check the pg_dump and pg_restore return codes, since something else might impact their function.
> But if you still need evidence, here's what I'm doing to verify table and record counts during a 9.6 -> 14 migration.
You'llhave to modify it for your purpose.
Thanks Ron !
I must admit that I am willing to trust pg_dump / pg_restore, mostly for the reasons Adrian Klaver implied.
However your script is likely the very thing I was looking for in terms of belt & braces. So I appreciate you
publishingit as a source of inspiration !