Jessica Richard написа:
> Thanks!!!
> "ALTER USER username SET default_transaction_read_only to true" worked.
> One more question:
> where do I see the current setting of "default_transacton_read_only (true for false) for each user on the system? Is
therea table that keeps this kind of info for all users?
SELECT * FROM pg_roles where rolname = '<username>';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+-------------------------------------
rolname | <username>
rolsuper | f
rolinherit | t
rolcreaterole | f
rolcreatedb | f
rolcatupdate | f
rolcanlogin | t
rolconnlimit | -1
rolpassword | ********
rolvaliduntil |
rolconfig | {default_transaction_read_only=true}
oid | 53531114
Milen A. Radev