I fond another collateral problem, because there are the different
convention to describe a varchar array item which contains backslashes, when
standard_conforming_strings = 'on'
For instance, to get a string composed by just one character backslash I can
use any of the two forms:
SELECT ARRAY[ '\' ]::varchar[];
SELECT '{\\}'::varchar[];
On the other hand, standard_conforming_strings = 'on' let me use varchar
items with '\' format. So the first format seems to be aware of
standard_conforming_strings = 'on', but the second is not.
My problem is that the java driver build arrays using the second format, but
the driver seems to be aware of standard_conforming_strings = 'on'. This
make inconsistence using the statement parameters, because to get the same
thing in the database I have to initialize a varchar parameter with a string
of one backslashes, but a varchar array item has to be initialized with a
string of two backslashes.