I construct a postmaster.pid file and then set the pid to be one of existing
process id(not postgres, e.g vim), then I run postgres. This may happen if
postgres crashed last time and left a postmaster.pid file, and last postgres
id is reused by another process which is not postgres now.
What I expect is that postgres runs normally and overwrites postmaster.pid
with new postgres id.
In windows it succeeds, but in linux it reports error as follows:
FATAL: lock file "postmaster.pid" already exists
HINT: Is another postmaster (PID 9899) running in data directory
the pid file content is as follows:
/home/hcwang/postgres/bin/data 5432001 0
and I run 'ps -u hcwang'
9899 pts/8 00:00:00 vim
Is this a bug or? Why pg under windows and linux have different behavior?