> I guess you could edit the sources, but I frankly cannot understand
> the point of the request. If some system has decided that
> 'BoBsYouRUNcLE'='bobsyouruncle', then as far as I'm concerned, that
> system is badly broken. They're not the same string. I should be
> very annoyed not to be able to tell the difference.
The system(code) was originally written for MS SQL server ,what I am
doing now is only migration MS SQL -> PostgreSQL server. There is a
possibility in MS SQL server to choose between case-sensitive or
case-insensitive seraches. By default it was case-insensitive ,so code
was written for case-insensitive searches. I think it is not a very
big deal,when you need to choose for example November ,or november
,that is what I want for example.(November=november)
> Being able to ignore the difference strictly in terms of case
> (appropriately defined by locale) is what things like ILIKE are for.
> But "=" means "the same", not "sort of the same".
In case-insensitive world yes.
> If your application can't be fixed, and relies entirely on some
> (non-)feature of some other system, well, then, you have to use that
> other system. Them's the breaks.
Or wait until (if so) there will be possibility in POstgreSQL server
to make smething like case-insensitive searches.