What's the point of declaring the TEdit locally? Use a string
instead. Additionally, in Delphi [and any other OOP language) if you
want to use objects, you instantiate them first, as in Edit1 :=
On 4/13/07, Bob Pawley <rjpawley@shaw.ca> wrote:
> I am attempting to update a table using a value that is displayed on a TEdit
> component. I am getting an access violation error.
> Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong??
> procedure TLoopBuilderForm.NewLoopButtonClick(Sender:
> TObject);
> var Edit1 : TEdit ;
> begin
> PSQLQuery1.Close;{close the query}
> //assign new SQL expression Monitor
> PSQLQuery1.SQL.Clear;
> PSQLQuery1.SQL.Add ('Update P_ID.Loops');
> PSQLQuery1.SQL.Add ('Set IDW_Loop_ID = + LoopNumberEdit');
> PSQLQuery1.SQL.Add ('Where P_ID.Loops.Loop_Name = :Loop_Name');
> PSQLQuery1.ParamByName('LoopNumberEdit').Value := Edit1.Text;
> PSQLQuery1.Execsql;
> end;
> Running Delphi 6 and PostgreSQL 8.2 on Win XP.
> Bob