If you want an exact copy (using another method), without indexes or relying objects, you shall try:
`SELECT * INTO table_b FROM table_a`
Check the manpages, SELECT, or in the psql shell: \h SELECT
Another option:
pg_dump the data as INSERT replacing the table name on the result with the new table name, then psql'it.
Another option:
run a classic pg_dump, using COPY, and replace the table name with the new one.
Consider in all cases, that the index maintenance will be a cost if you already have the indexes created before running the populate. You may want to drop that indexes, populate and recreate indexes after.
Vacuum analyze should be the last command on this move, afaik.
Best wishes,
On 2/24/06, Sean Davis < sdavis2@mail.nih.gov> wrote:On 2/24/06 1:42 PM, "Keith Worthington" < keithw@narrowpathinc.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Would someone be so kind as to remind me of the syntax required to copy data
> from one table to another?
Hi, Keith. Will:
Insert into table2 [column1, ...]
Select * from table1;
Do what you want?
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