I got an Assert when executing an "INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ... UPDATE
..." query on partitioned table. Managed to reproduce this situation.
Reproduction order.
1) Apply the patch
[v1-0001-Triggering-Assert-on-query-with-ON-CONFLICT.patch] to "master"
2) Build postgres with key "--enable-injection-points" + build an
extension "injection_points" (src/test/modules/injection_points).
3) Run isolation test onconflict.spec:
make check -C src/test/modules/injection_points
Assert is triggered in postgres with stack, see attached file [stack.txt].
In the query "INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ... UPDATE ..." when executing
INSERT, a conflict is triggered. But when trying to execute UPDATE, our
tuple has already been moved to another partition and Assert is triggered.
I suggest replace Assert with an error message, see
[v1-0001-draft-of-fix.patch]. This is not a final fix as I am confused
by the comment for Assert: "we don't support an UPDATE of INSERT ON
CONFLICT for a partitioned table".
(Why "don't support an UPDATE"?
It's not forbidden by syntax or errors ...)
With best regards,
Dmitry Koval
Postgres Professional: http://postgrespro.com