Use the new syntax as of PostgreSQL 9.0:
copy hk_card_master_test from 'C:/inetpub/wwwroot/cards/media/static/gc_card_master2L.csv' (format csv, header, encoding 'ISO_8859_5') where card_status = 'A'
This allows a simple WHERE condition as shown.
Am 26.11.20 um 09:27 schrieb Sachin Kumar:
Hi Experts,
I am uploading 10 million data using CSV, but I want to put a condition on a column (Card_Status) inside the CSV that only where Card_Status = A data should be uploaded rest data are not uploaded.
Please guide me in modifying the query I am using to upload the data
copy hk_card_master_test from 'C:/inetpub/wwwroot/cards/media/static/gc_card_master2L.csv' with delimiter ',' csv header encoding 'ISO_8859_5'
Best Regards,
Sachin Kumar
Holger Jakobs, Bergisch Gladbach, Tel. +49-178-9759012