I am trying to concatenate 2 values plus an asterisk in between them, like this: value1*value2. My function keeps breaking =( Please can someone show me the proper syntax to fix my function?
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
/* start */
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myTest() RETURNS INT4 AS ' DECLARE cols record; cols2 record; newTextField1 CHARACTER(3); newTextField2 CHARACTER(50); finalTextField CHARACTER(55);
FOR cols IN SELECT * FROM dept LOOP FOR cols2 IN SELECT * FROM major LOOP IF cols.deptid = cols2.deptid THEN newTextField1 := cols2.deptid; newTextField2 := cols2.description; finalTextField := newTextField1 || '*' ||
you have to escape the codes with an additional single quotes like this finalTextField := newTextField1 || ''*'' ||
newTextField2; INSERT INTO MESSAGES(results) VALUES (finalTextField); END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; RETURN 1; END;