where is this sequence 'acq_requests_req_num_seq' created. You have created only 'requests_req_num_seq'
recommended_by varchar(35) NOT NULL ); GRANT ALL ON requests TO wwwrun, postgres;
If I reconfigure the schema by removing the sequence from the table, I am able to insert into the table using both the shell and php script: DROP SEQUENCE requests_req_num_seq; DROP TABLE requests;
CREATE SEQUENCE requests_req_num_seq INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1000;
INSERT INTO requests (time_stamp, recommended_by) VALUES (now(), 'foo');
I'm a little stumped on this one. I'm running PostgreSQL 7.4.8 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux).
Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
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---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
-- with regards, S.Gnanavel Satyam Computer Services Ltd.