Re: search_path for PL/pgSQL functions partially cached? - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Adrian Klaver
Subject Re: search_path for PL/pgSQL functions partially cached?
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: search_path for PL/pgSQL functions partially cached?  (Jan Behrens <>)
Responses Re: search_path for PL/pgSQL functions partially cached?
List pgsql-general
On 1/3/25 15:22, Jan Behrens wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Jan 2025 13:56:02 -0800
> Adrian Klaver <> wrote:
>> At this point I am lost as to what the overall goal of this is.
>> Can you provide a 10000 ft view if what it is you are trying to achieve?
> Sure! I would like to create a component (e.g. a PostgreSQL extension)
> that provides a function which processes some complex data, without
> making any requirements regarding where the data is stored. To pass
> this data to the function, I could use arrays of composite types, but
> that seems to be very bulky. Another option would be to use cursors,
> but that didn't turn out to work very smooth either.
> Instead, I plan to expect the function to receive a query string that
> will get the data that is being processed by the function.
> That query string should be allowed to refer to tables in the
> search_path at the caller's side.
> Therefore, I cannot use the "SET search_path FROM CURRENT" in my
> "CREATE FUNCTION" statement, because it would overwrite the current
> search_path on each call of the function.
> Thus my idea is to do this (simplified):
> CREATE FUNCTION "some_function" ("query_p" TEXT) RETURNS "some_type"
>    --------------------------------------------------------------------
>    -- I cannot use SET search_path FROM CURRENT here, because "query_p"
>    -- shall refer to tables in the search_path of the caller.
>    --------------------------------------------------------------------
>    LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
>      DECLARE
>        "old_search_path" TEXT;
>        ----------------------------------------------------------------
>        -- I have to fully qualify types in the DECLARE section.
>        ----------------------------------------------------------------
>        "some_variable" "some_schema"."some_type";
>      BEGIN
>        SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO "old_search_path";
>        PERFORM set_config(
>          'search_path',
>          'some_schema, pg_temp, ' || "old_search_path",
>          TRUE
>        );
>        ----------------------------------------------------------------
>        -- Do I have to fully qualify types and operators from
>        -- "myschema" here? Or is it safe to not fully qualify them?
>        ----------------------------------------------------------------
>      END;
>    $$;
> That is my overall idea.

Is 'some_schema' a known item when installing?

Once you have the search_path defined and assuming all the objects you 
want are in that path, then yes you can drop the schema qualification.

> My problem is that I'm confused about WHEN EXACTLY I have to qualify
> tables/types, etc. It is very hard to understand from reading (just) the
> documentation.

If you are doing this as an extension then I suspect you want the 
processes shown here:

> Kind Regards,
> Jan Behrens

Adrian Klaver

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