I would be glad on advice what might be the issue (or how I could narrow it down) with the non restoration of data from a postgres 7.1 database to a postgres 8 database.
The schema was dumped with pg_dump -O -s databasename > database_schema_file_name The data was dumped with pg_dump -O -a databasename > database_data_file_name
the datafile was gzipped and transferred to another server and gunzipped
the database was successfully created the schema was successfully generated psql -d databasename -f database_schema_file_name the datafile was cleaned for the carriage return/line feed issue (between pgsql 7-> 8) sed 's/^M/\\r/' datafilename > datafilename I attempted to insert the data psql -d databasename -f database_data_file_name no errors but when I query the data - there is none ..
Any ideas what I might be missing or how to see any errors or warnings?
Cheers Daniel Punton Senior Analyst/Programmer Transact/EForms Team CSC