On Wed, 27 Apr 2022, Laurenz Albe wrote:
> test=> insert
> test-> insert into people (person_nbr,lname,fname,job_title,company_nbr,loc_nbr,
> loc_phone_ext,direct_phone,direct_fax,cell_phone,email,active,comment) values
> (6000,'No','Name',null,404,1,null,null,null,null,null,null,null);
> ERROR: syntax error at or near "insert"
> LINE 2: insert into people (person_nbr,lname,fname,job_title,company...
> ^
From time to time I mis-type a character or make another error and psql
responds with a different prompt and no explicit explanation. I'll then type
C-c and get the default => prompt back. Your example is appreciated and may
very well have been the cause, but I kept trying at the default prompt.
I'll re-read the psql man page to better understand the different prompts.
Thank you,