On 15/10/2023 13:25, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
> Great! I'm looking forward to the revised patch.
Revising the code and opinions before restarting this work, I found two
different possible strategies mentioned in the thread:
1. 'Common Resources' shares the materialised result of the inner table
scan (a hash table in the case of HashJoin) to join each partition one
by one. It gives us a profit in the case of parallel append and possibly
other cases, like the one shown in the initial message.
2. 'Individual strategies' - By limiting the AJ feature to cases when
the JOIN clause contains a partitioning expression, we can push an
additional scan clause into each copy of the inner table scan, reduce
the number of tuples scanned, and even prune something because of proven
zero input.
I see the pros and cons of both approaches. The first option is more
straightforward, and its outcome is obvious in the case of parallel
append. But how can we guarantee the same join type for each join? Why
should we ignore the positive effect of different strategies for
different partitions?
The second strategy is more expensive for the optimiser, especially in
the multipartition case. But as I can predict, it is easier to implement
and looks more natural for the architecture. What do you think about that?
Andrei Lepikhov
Postgres Professional