On 2020-04-01 10:25 p.m., Fabien COELHO wrote:
> Hello,
>> FWIW, I don't think so. Generally a trailing backspace is an escape
>> character for the following newline. And '\ ' is a escaped space,
>> which is usualy menas a space itself.
>> In this case escape character doesn't work generally and I think it
>> is natural that a backslash in the middle of a line is a backslash
>> character itself.
> I concur: The backslash char is only a continuation as the very last
> character of the line, before cr/nl line ending markers.
+Agree. However, it would nice to update the sentence below if I
understand it correctly.
"+ Comments, whitespace and continuations are handled in the same way
as in" pg_hba.conf
For example, if a user provide a configuration like below (even such a
comments is not recommended)
"host all all trust #COMMENTS, it works"
i.e. the original pg_hba.conf allows to have comments in each line, but
with new continuation introduced, the comments has to be put to the last
> There are no assumption about backslash escaping, quotes and such,
> which seems reasonable given the lexing structure of the files, i.e.
> records of space-separated words, and # line comments.
Software Engineer
Highgo Software Inc. (Canada)