Working in the following environment:
Borland VCL ADO Components -> Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers ->
PostgreSQL ODBC Driver -> PostgreSQL Server
and executing SQL statements like this:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ...
I was surprised the driver issues the statement "SELECT * FROM mytable" just
before executing my custom statement. I guess it tries to retreive the field
info for "mytable". But what if "mytable" contains mios of rows?! The
execution will continue forever... Yes, I am aware of the option "Disallow
Premature". But my Borland TADOQuery object crashes on
begin;declare cursor .. for select ...;fetch backward in ..;close ..;commit
(unexpected EOF of client connection)
I think this is the easiest way to get no row but the field info:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE 0=1
Isn't it?