This is my first post to ANY mailing list so apologies in advance if I
screw up anywhere.
I'm using the pg_restore utility in PostgreSQL 8.0.3 with the following command:
pg_restore.exe -i -h localhost -p 5432 -U "username" -d databasename
-v "outputfile.backup"
pg_restore prompts me for a password and no matter what I key in it
fails my login. Looking at the pg_hba.conf file, I find my settings
configured as:
host all all md5
It looks to me that the pg_restore program is expecting me to enter an
MD5 sum as the password. Due to the limitiation of my project's
requirement I'm not allowed to meddle with the pg_hba.conf file. Does
anyone know the correct method to generate an MD5 hash for the
password so that I may pass it in to pg_dump using the command line?
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