""Alejandro D. Burne"" <alejandro.dburne@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Hi, I'll be trying to solve this workaround between postgres odbc
> and VisualFoxPro(VFP) with spanish chars and unicode
> encoding.
> VFP''ve 2 ways to send info to rdbms: explicit or by reference:
> A little example (I think it's easy to understand)
> 1) conn=SQLCONNECT('odbc_entry','user','pwd')
> 2) SQLEXECUTE(conn,"INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('�');)")
> 3) a='�'
> 4) SQLEXECUTE(conn,"INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (?a);)")
> 1) Stablish connection
> 2) Works fine (explicit)
> 3) Var 'a' takes value ���
> 4) This doesn't work (by reference)
3) a= STRCONV('�',9)