On Thu, 17 Apr 2003 20:21:28 +0530, Rajesh Kumar Mallah
<mallah@trade-india.com> wrote:
>actually my orignal problem is to update
>10 *columns* in profile master first five comes
>from first entry in another table
This part is easy (using table and column names from your prototype):
UPDATE t_a SET fname1=foo.fname , mname1=foo.mname FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (id) id, fname, mname FROM t_b
ORDER BY id, con_id ) AS fooWHERE t_a.id = foo.id;
> and remaining
>5 columns comes from the second corresponding
>row in the other table.
This is a bit harder, because while DISTINCT ON (id) can be viewed as
sort of LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0 for each group of equal ids, there is no such
construct to select the *second* row of each group. So we build a
subquery that does not contain the first row of each group and take
the first row of the rest, i.e. the second row of the original group:
UPDATE t_a SET fname2=foo.fname , mname2=foo.mname FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (b2.id) b2.id, b2.fname, b2.mname
FROMt_b AS b1, t_b AS b2 WHERE b1.id = b2.id AND b1.con_id < b2.con_id ORDER BY b2.id, b2.con_id) AS fooWHERE
t_a.id= foo.id;
Note that this does not set xname2 to NULL where no second
corresponding row exists. You might need a third UPDATE statement to
do this.