Well, it stoped. And in the log I can see:
LOGG: statement: UPDATE VList SET updated=true WHERE id=985
LOGG: duration: 1129993.209 ms
and a few lines below
(with queries in between)
LOGG: statement: UPDATE VList SET updated=false WHERE id=985
LOGG: duration: 0.400 ms
So, something was blocking the query, seriously!
Still interested in findingout how to detect what is going on.
There were other processes, could it be a lock? I have not specified
any special transaction or so. I was calling from a PHP script (I
2009/1/30 A B <gentosaker@gmail.com>:
> Hi.
> I just discovered three "postmaster" processes running and really
> eating all the cpu.
> I'm not sure why?
> So, what steps do I take for finiding the queries that is causing this?