Re: Exporting float_to_shortest_decimal_buf(n) with Postgres 17 on Windows - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Vladlen Popolitov
Subject Re: Exporting float_to_shortest_decimal_buf(n) with Postgres 17 on Windows
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In response to Re: Exporting float_to_shortest_decimal_buf(n) with Postgres 17 on Windows  (Regina Obe <>)
List pgsql-hackers
Regina Obe писал(а) 2025-01-03 23:08:
> I tested this with a patched version of the EDB PG 17 installer that 
> includes this patch and it fixed the issue I was having described in:
> It would be great if this was backported to PG17.
> The new status of this patch is: Needs review
Hi Regina,

As I see, this patch applied to master and immediately backported to 
PG16 and PG17 (changes
will appear in new versions, old versions are unchangeable). If this 
answered your question,
status should be returned to committed again.
Best regards,

Vladlen Popolitov.

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