Hello Kuroda-san,
06.02.2025 10:55, Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu) wrote:
> Dear hackers,
> I hope I'm on the correct thread. If not, please let me know.
> I found a BF failure, which may be a long-standing test issue. If so, I want you to
> update the Wiki page.
Thank you for attention to the failure! I've added it to the list.
Maybe you could also start a separate discussion dedicated to this
concrete issue, but I think we can continue here as well.
> I found the failure at [1]. It contains two ERRORs, and I'm saying for
> test_decoding/isolation/slot_creation_error.
> Failed test
> =======
> Failed test has two sessions, and they work:
> 1. Open a session, s1, and start a transaction.
> 2. Open another session, s2, and try to create a slot. It waits...
> 3. On s1, execute a pg_terminate_backend($s2).
> 4. On s1, confirm the slot creation fails.
> The actual difference is shown [2]. ' s2_init' is a step for slot creation.
> We can see that the isolation tester detects a process termination and exit.
Couldn't you suggest where to put, say, sleep(), to reproduce this failure
Best regards,
Alexander Lakhin
Neon (https://neon.tech)