On Wed, 2022-12-21 at 15:24 +0100, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> I managed to drop the "special" collations default, C, and
> POSIX with OIDs 100, 950, 951.
> Is there a way to recreate them (short of restoring a backup)
> ? Naive attempts with create collation do not seem to work
> out.
I would definitely go for the backup, but here is how you can
create these three rows in PostgreSQL v15:
INSERT INTO pg_collation
(oid, collname, collnamespace, collowner, collprovider,
collisdeterministic, collencoding, collcollate, collctype)
(100, 'default', 11, 10, 'd', TRUE, -1, NULL, NULL),
(950, 'C', 11, 10, 'c', TRUE, -1, 'C', 'C'),
(951, 'POSIX', 11, 10, 'c', TRUE, -1, 'POSIX', 'POSIX');
Laurenz Albe