I have written a function as follows. Here I need to get the sum of balance before the user provided date. The below function works well, but returns records as a set of values, rather I need individual columns. What to do? CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aa(date) RETURNS SETOF record AS $BODY$SELECT docacctransactions.accgroupid, Sum(docacctransactions.credit) AS OSC, Sum(docacctransactions.debit) AS OSD FROM docs INNER JOIN docacctransactions ON docs.docid = docacctransactions.docid WHERE docs.includeinbalcalc=-1 AND docs.transactiontype<>1 AND docs.docdate<=$1 GROUP BY docacctransactions.accgroupid; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'sql' VOLATILE COST 100 ROWS 1000; ALTER FUNCTION aa(date) OWNER TO sa;
I am using WinXP SP 2 with PostgreSQL 8.3 with ODBC Please help. CPK -- Keep your Environment clean and green.