This is first time I'm writing, so I hope I've done this correctly :)
I'm confused about how range types are returned when queried
When I insert range like this:
INSERT INTO public.tests
VALUES (int4range(7,8,'[]'))
or this
INSERT INTO public.tests
VALUES ('[7,8]')
After when querying table my return value for this column is not [7,8] but it is [7,9).
I found this behaviour confusing, because I want to insert 7-8 ranges (including upper value) and then present that range to a user.
Maybe I'm missing something :)
My PG version is: PostgreSQL 14.0 on aarch64-apple-darwin20.6.0, compiled by Apple clang version 12.0.5 (clang-1205.0.22.9), 64-bit