My experience is RH9 auto detected machines >= 2GB of RAM and installs
the PAE bigmem kernel by default. I'm pretty sure the FC2/3 installer
will do the same. wrote:
>>I understand that the 2.6.* kernels are much better at large memory
>>support (with respect to performance issues), so unless you have a
>>64-bit machine lying around - this is probably worth a try.
>>You may need to build a new kernel with the various parameters :
>>set appropriately (or even upgrade to the latest 2.6.10). I would expect
>>that some research and experimentation will be required to get the best
>>out of it - (e.g. the 'bounce buffers' issue).
> In the standard rpm FC 2-3 with a newly install server , would it automatically
> detect and config it if I use the mechine with > 4 Gb [6Gb.] or should I
> manually config it?
> Amrit
> Thailand
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