I am wondering if I can use a cursor in a for loop. I haven't been able to
get it to work. I am just beginning plpgsql and I am struggling here.
I am trying to do this:
create or replace function ttest(varchar)
RETURNS varchar AS '
DECLAREparId ALIAS FOR $1; dennis varchar; tmp_xvalues RECORD;
attrVals CURSOR (thePar varchar) IS select '' '' || name ||''="''|| value ||''"'' as rval from attbl
whereidcol = thePar;
OPEN attrVals(parId);
for tmp_xvalues in fetch all from attrVals loop dennis := dennis || tmp_xvalues.rval; end loop;
return dennis;
' language plpgsql;
If I try to use this function like so:
select ttest('blah')
I get:
Error: ERROR: syntax error at or near "all" at character 15
I guess I am confused what I can put in "for var in <expression> loop" and
what "fetch next" or "fetch all" evaluates to.