ppi@amug.org wrote:
> syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0'
This is the point! You have to tell syslogd to log messages sent to this
facility. I prefer to log it to a different file than /var/log/messages.
As root do:
mkdir /var/log/postgresql/
Add something like
# postgresql
local0.* /var/log/postgresql/postgresql.log
to the end of your /etc/syslog.conf and do a
service syslogd reload
Make sure to add /var/log/postgresql/postgresql.log to the first line of
/etc/logrotate.d/syslog which is basically the list of syslog logfiles that
have to be regularly rotated .
On production servers with heavy load place use "-/var/log/postgr..." in
syslog.conf for a better performance. The - means to uses buffered I/O.