On 2025-03-04 Tu 6:04 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Andrew Dunstan <andrew@dunslane.net> writes:
Will check your patch out too.
Comparing previous run against current, I now see that my patch
caused it to skip these steps:
Skipping the ldap and sepgsql tests is desirable, but it shouldn't
have skipped pg_bsd_indent. I think the cause of that is that
src/tools/pg_bsd_indent isn't built in any of the previous build
steps. Up to now it got built as a side-effect of invoking the
tests, which isn't great because any build errors/warnings disappear
into the install log which the script doesn't capture. I agree
with not capturing the install log, because that's generally
uninteresting once we get past make-install; but we have to be sure
that everything gets built before that.
Yeah ... I think an easy fix is to put this in make_testmodules():
+ # build pg_bsd_indent at the same time
+ # this doesn't really belong here, but it's convenient
+ if (-d "$pgsql/src/tools/pg_bsd_indent" && !$status)
+ {
+ my @indentout = run_log("cd $pgsql/src/tools/pg_bsd_indent && $make_cmd");
+ $status = $? >> 8;
+ push(@makeout,@indentout);
+ }
A lot of this special processing goes away when we're building with meson.
Andrew Dunstan
EDB: https://www.enterprisedb.com