I found these error messages in the pgadmin.log file.<br />I am running 1.8.0 (rev 6766:6767)<br /><br />2007-11-03
08:51:00ERROR : Can't create window of class wxWindowClass (error 14: not enough storage is available to complete this
operation.)<br />2007-11-03 08:51:00 ERROR : Can't create window of class wxWindowClassNR (error 14: not enough
storageis available to complete this operation.)<br />2007-11-03 08:51:00 ERROR : Can't create dialog using memory
template(error 14: not enough storage is available to complete this operation.) <br />2007-11-03 08:52:02 ERROR :
Failedto put data on the clipboard (error -2147467259: unspecified error)<br />2007-11-03 08:52:04 ERROR : Can't
createwindow of class wxWindowClassNR (error 14: not enough storage is available to complete this operation.) <br
/>2007-11-0308:52:04 ERROR : Can't create window of class wxWindowClassNR (error 14: not enough storage is available
tocomplete this operation.)<br />2007-11-03 08:52:04 ERROR : Failed to create a status bar. (error 1406: cannot create
atop-level child window.) <br />2007-11-03 08:52:04 ERROR : Can't create window of class wxWindowClassNR (error 1406:
cannotcreate a top-level child window.)<br />2007-11-03 08:52:27 ERROR : Can't create window of class wxWindowClass
(error14: not enough storage is available to complete this operation.) <br />2007-11-03 08:52:27 ERROR : Can't create
windowof class wxWindowClassNR (error 14: not enough storage is available to complete this operation.)<br />2007-11-03
08:52:27ERROR : Can't create dialog using memory template (error 14: not enough storage is available to complete this
operation.)<br /><br />