temboard 3.0 released - Mailing list pgsql-announce

From Julien Tachoires
Subject temboard 3.0 released
Msg-id c9a4b877-53b9-0823-7a84-2798316754c0@dalibo.com
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-announce
Release of temboard 3.0, the powerful PostgreSQL management tool
developed inside Dalibo Labs!

New feature: Maintenance

The maintenance plugin gives the users an overview on the databases,
schemas, tables or indexes respective sizes.
It is very useful to get information about bloat and toast. It helps
users determine potential issues and understand or prevent performance
issues due to unaccordingly used space. The plugin also provides easy
access to maintenance actions such as VACUUM, ANALYZE or REINDEX in
order to fix space or performance problems.

More about the maintenance plugin:

Enhancement of the interface

temboard’s interface is still improving. The 3.0 version lays out the
instances as a grid on the homepage in order to better manage large
database fleet. The sidebar is now collapsible to put forward the page's
content. Moreover the homepage and the dashboard can be displayed in
full screen mode which is more suitable when using a supervision screen.

And more...

Many other improvements and bug fixes are included, among which:
  * Limit double authentication to not read only APIs,
  * New monitoring probes: replication lag and connection, temporary
  * Show number of waiting/blocking req in activity tabs,
  * `pg_hba.conf` and `pg_ident.conf` edition removed from pgconf plugin.

More about this version's CHANGELOG:

An easier installation

Installing temboard and its agent is simpler thanks to its auto
configuration script and clean documentation. The rpm and debian
packages are available in the Dalibo Labs deposits.

Find out more information in the online documentation of temboard:

Video demo

You can find the demo for this new version of temboard on our Youtube
page. Watch it by clicking here: https://youtu.be/0gSzKYTHEEw


 * Website: http://dali.bo/temboard
 * GitHub: https://github.com/dalibo/temboard

Julien Tachoires
https://dalibo.com - https://dalibo.github.io


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