On 3/5/22 09:35, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> On 3/4/22 15:05, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
>> On 3/4/22 13:13, Erikjan Rijkers wrote:
>>> Op 04-03-2022 om 17:33 schreef Andrew Dunstan:
>>>> This set of patches deals with items 1..7 above, but not yet the ERROR
>>>> ON ERROR issue. It also makes some message cleanups, but there is more
>>>> to come in that area.
>>>> It is based on the latest SQL/JSON Functions patch set, which does not
>>>> include the sql_json GUC patch.
>>>> [0001-SQL-JSON-functions-without-sql_json-GUC-v56.patch]
>>>> [0002-JSON_TABLE-v56.patch]
>>>> [0003-JSON_TABLE-PLAN-DEFAULT-clause-v56.patch]
>>>> [0004-JSON_TABLE-PLAN-clause-v56.patch]
>>> Hi,
>>> I quickly tried the tests I already had and there are two statements
>>> that stopped working:
>>> testdb=# SELECT JSON('{"a": 123, "b": [true, "foo"], "a2": "bar"}'
>>> RETURNING jsonb);
>>> ERROR: syntax error at or near "RETURNING"
>>> LINE 1: ...SON('{"a": 123, "b": [true, "foo"], "a2": "bar"}' RETURNING
>>> ...
>>> testdb=# select JSON_SCALAR(123.45 returning jsonb);
>>> ERROR: syntax error at or near "returning"
>>> LINE 1: select JSON_SCALAR(123.45 returning jsonb)
>>> (the '^' pointer in both cases underneath 'RETURNING'
>> Yes, you're right, that was implemented as part of the GUC patch. I'll
>> try to split that out and send new patchsets with the RETURNING clause
>> but without the GUC (see upthread for reasons)
> Here's a patchset with RETURNING for JSON() and JSON_SCALAR() but
> without the GUC
Here's a new set with the latest sql/json functions patch and fixes for
some further node handling inadequacies.
Andrew Dunstan
EDB: https://www.enterprisedb.com