On 20.11.2018 16:08, s.cherkashin@postgrespro.ru wrote:
> Ok, I fixed this.
I looked at the patch. It is in good shape. It compiles and tests are
I have few a questions related with throwing errors. They might be silly :)
\dAp as well as \dA command throw an error if a server's version below 9.6:
"The server (version %s) does not support access methods"
But other \dA commands don't. It seems that there is enough information
in catalog for servers below 9.6. That is there are pg_am, pg_opfamily,
pg_amop and other catalog tables related with access methods.
\dAp calls pg_indexam_has_property() function, which doesn't exist in
servers 9.5 and below. Is this the reason that it throws an error? If so
then describeOneIndexColumnProperties() also should throw an error,
because it calls pg_index_column_has_property() function, which doesn't
exist in servers 9.5 and below.
What do you think?
Arthur Zakirov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
Russian Postgres Company