Re: Why must AUTOCOMMIT be ON to do txn control in plpgsql procedure? - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Adrian Klaver
Subject Re: Why must AUTOCOMMIT be ON to do txn control in plpgsql procedure?
Whole thread Raw
In response to Why must AUTOCOMMIT be ON to do txn control in plpgsql procedure?  (Bryn Llewellyn <>)
Responses Re: Why must AUTOCOMMIT be ON to do txn control in plpgsql procedure?
List pgsql-general
On 8/6/19 1:17 PM, Bryn Llewellyn wrote:
> I read this blog post
> *PostgreSQL 11 – Server-side Procedures — Part 1 
> <> and 
> Part 2 
> <>*
> It starts with/ “Thanks to the work done by 2ndQuadrant contributors, we 
> now have the ability to write Stored Procedures in PostgreSQL… once 
> PostgreSQL 11 comes out”/. It focuses on doing txn control from a stored 
> proc.
> In my initial test of the code that it presents, I got the runtime error 
> “*invalid transaction termination*” from the first-encountered txn 
> control statement (that happened to be *commit*). I presently realized 
> that this was because I had *\set AUTOCOMMIT OFF*in my *.psqlrc*startup 
> file. Once I changed this, the code worked as the blog described.
> I’m hoping that someone from 2ndQuadrant can answer my questions about 
> what my tests show. They use a trivial table created thus:
> *create table t(n integer);
> *
> My first test uses this:
> *create or replace procedure p1()
>    language plpgsql
> as $$
> begin
>    insert into t(n) values(17);
> end;
> $$;
> *
> I test it first with *AUTOCOMMIT OFF*and then with in *ON*. The results 
> are exactly as I’d expect.
> When it’s *ON*, the effect of the *insert*shows up with a 
> *select*immediately after the *call*finishes. Then *rollback*really does 
> wipe out the effect of the *insert*, as is shown with a subsequent *select*.
> And with *AUTOCOMMIT ON*, the effect of the *insert* again shows up with 
> a *select* immediately after the *call* finishes. But now a subsequent 
> *rollback*causes “*WARNING: there is no transaction in progress*”. 
> The effect of the *insert*was already committed.
> I could add a sleep after the *insert*and then watch from a second 
> session. For now, I’m assuming that the effect of *AUTOCOMMIT ON*takes 
> place when the *call*finishes and not immediately after the *insert*.
> My second test uses this:
> *create or replace procedure p2()
>    language plpgsql
> as $$
>    declare
>      levl_1 varchar(20);
>      levl_2 varchar(20);
>    begin
>      -- This "rollback" is critical.
>      -- Else "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL must be called before any 
> query".
>      rollback;
>      set transaction isolation level repeatable read;
>      show transaction isolation level into levl_1;
>      insert into t(n) values(17);
>      rollback;
>      set transaction isolation level serializable;
>      show transaction isolation level into levl_2;
>      insert into t(n) values(42);
>      commit;
>      raise notice 'isolation level #1: %', levl_1;
>      raise notice 'isolation level #2: %', levl_2;
>    end;
> $$;
> *
> (I got into this because I want to encapsulate all the logic that 
> changes a table which has, in my functional spec, the table-level data 
> rule: exactly one or two rows where column c1 has value ‘x’. The idea is 
> to use the “serializable” isolation level and finish with a query that 
> tests the rule. I’ll do this in an infinite loop with a sleep to that if 
> a concurrent execution of the same proc pre-empts me and I get 
> the “*could not serialize…*” error, I’ll hande the exception and go 
> round the loop again, exiting only when I don’t get the exception.)
> As mentioned above, I must call this with *AUTOCOMMIT ON*to avoid a 
> runtime error. See my comment: the *rollback*as the proc’s very first 
> executable statement is critical. The code runs without error and shows 
> the result that I expect.
> I’m attaching *txn_control_in_plpgsql_proc.sql*. It’s self-contained 
> (can be run time and again with the same outcome) and implements what I 
> just described. I’m also attaching *txn_control_in_plpgsql_proc.txt*. 
> This is the stdout output, copied from the terminal window, produced 
> when I invoke *psql*to start my *.sql*script from the command line.
> B.t.w.. I have a real implementation of what I wanted to achieve and it 
> seems to work perfectly. So I’ve achieved my goal. But I hate the fact 
> that I got there by trial and error and cannot rehearse a mental model 
> that informs me why what I wrote is the proper approach.
> *Please describe the rules for all this and reassure me that I can rely 
> on the behavior that I implemented by starting with **rollback**in my proc.*

     When on (the default), each SQL command is automatically committed 
upon successful completion. To postpone commit in this mode, you must 
enter a BEGIN or START TRANSACTION SQL command. When off or unset, SQL 
commands are not committed until you explicitly issue COMMIT or END. The 
autocommit-off mode works by issuing an implicit BEGIN for you, just 
before any command that is not already in a transaction block and is not 
itself a BEGIN or other transaction-control command, nor a command that 
cannot be executed inside a transaction block (such as VACUUM)."

The way I understand it in your first case:
-- get clean start
delete from t;

call p1();
select n from t order by n;
select n from t order by n;

You have a implied BEGIN; before the begin; you wrap the delete in. 
Therefore you can do the rollback;. In the AUTOCOMMIT on there is only 
on transaction and it ends with the commit; after the delete. So when 
you attempt the rollback you get the error. REMEMBER in plpgsql Begin is 
not for transaction control:

Have not worked through the second case yet.

> .

Adrian Klaver

pgsql-general by date:

From: Bryn Llewellyn
Subject: Why must AUTOCOMMIT be ON to do txn control in plpgsql procedure?
From: Bryn Llewellyn
Subject: Re: Why must AUTOCOMMIT be ON to do txn control in plpgsql procedure?