Hi all,<br />In migrating an application from sql server to Postgres, I created a ruby script that extracts csv files
fromsql server (from a windows box), then SCPs them into a directory (/home/ruby_process) on the server running
Postgres(a Fedora core 8) and finally runs the Postgres COPY command for each of the csv files. <br /><br />When the
scriptruns the COPY commnand, I get the following error (for the genders table):<br /><br />ERROR C42501 M could
notopen file "/home/ruby_process/genders.csv" for reading: Permission denied Fcopy.c L1694 RCopyFrom
(RuntimeError)<br/><br />My question is, what are the set of permissions required to perform a postgres copy? <br /><br
/>I'veset the permissions on the directory so that the postgres group owns the directory and has read and execute
permissions,as follows:<br /> drwxrwxr-x 3 ruby_process postgres<br /><br />I have also tried moving the files to /tmp
andperforming the copy from there, unsuccesfuly.<br /><br />Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks,<br />-Harold<br