AW: BUG #18725: "set role" requires "grant connect on database" - Mailing list pgsql-bugs
From | PostgreSQL TDBA (LDBV) |
Subject | AW: BUG #18725: "set role" requires "grant connect on database" |
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Msg-id | Whole thread Raw |
In response to | Re: BUG #18725: "set role" requires "grant connect on database" (Tom Lane <>) |
List | pgsql-bugs |
Thank you very much for your effort. Now I have more details (I'm not a developer). ' The problem only occurs with queries on large tables that run parallel: Preparation: [Login superuser] CREATE ROLE "fdba-Group" WITH NOLOGIN NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION NOBYPASSRLS; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE "DATABASE1" TO "fdba-Group"; CREATE ROLE user1 WITH LOGIN NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION NOBYPASSRLS PASSWORD 'user1'; CREATE ROLE "schema1_owner" WITH NOLOGIN NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION NOBYPASSRLS; -- ohneLogin, ohne Connect-Recht GRANT "fdba-Group", "schema1_owner" TO user1; CREATE SCHEMA schema1 AUTHORIZATION schema1_owner; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA schema1 TO schema1_owner; CREATE TABLE schema1.table1 (column1 INT, column2 VARCHAR(50)); ALTER TABLE schema1.table1 OWNER to schema1_owner; GRANT ALL ON TABLE schema1.table1 TO schema1_owner; INSERT INTO schema1.table1 (column1, column2) VALUES (1, 'abc'), (2, 'def'); Implementation Version <= 16.4 is OK: [Login user1] SET ROLE schema1_owner; SET set debug_parallel_query = off; SET select column1 from schema1.table1; 1 2 set debug_parallel_query = on; SET select column1 from schema1.table1; 1 2 RESET ROLE; RESET Implementation Version 16.5, 16.6: [Login user1] SET ROLE schema1_owner; SET set debug_parallel_query = off; SET select column1 from schema1.table1; 1 2 set debug_parallel_query = on; SET select column1 from schema1.table1; ERROR: Benutzer hat das CONNECT-Privileg nicht.keine Berechtigung für Datenbank »DATABASE1« FEHLER: keine Berechtigung für Datenbank »DATABASE1« SQL state: 42501 Detail: Benutzer hat das CONNECT-Privileg nicht. Context: paralleler Arbeitsprozess RESET ROLE; RESET (We manage 550 databases. Three customers have already contacted us because they received an error message. Our workaround is "grant connect".) Kind regards Susanne Birner -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Tom Lane <> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. November 2024 19:11 An: PostgreSQL TDBA (LDBV) <> Cc: Betreff: Re: BUG #18725: "set role" requires "grant connect on database" PG Bug reporting form <> writes: > After minor release update to version 16.5 or 16.6 "set role" to role > without "grant connect on database" generates error: > "ERROR: Benutzer hat das CONNECT-Privileg nicht.keine Berechtigung > für Datenbank »...« > FEHLER: keine Berechtigung für Datenbank »...« SQL state: 42501 > Detail: Benutzer hat das CONNECT-Privileg nicht. > Context: paralleler Arbeitsprozess" This bug report is not actionable, because you didn't show what you did to provoke the error. I did a little bit of testingby guessing what you might be talking about, and I don't see a problem: regression=# create role r; CREATE ROLE regression=# create database d; CREATE DATABASE regression=# revoke connect on database d from public; REVOKE regression=# \c d You are now connected to database "d" asuser "postgres". d=# set role r; -- should work, and does SET d=> reset role; RESET d=# create user joe; CREATE ROLE d=# grant r to joe; GRANT ROLE d=# alter user joe set role = r; ALTER ROLE d=# \c d joe -- should fail, and does connection to server on socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATAL: permission denied for database "d" DETAIL: User does not have CONNECT privilege. Previous connection kept d=# grant connect on database d to joe; GRANT d=# \c d joe -- now it should work, and does You are now connected to database "d" as user "joe". d=> show role; role ------ r (1 row) Please provide a self-contained script that reproduces your problem. regards, tom lane
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