Hi again.
Fixed versions of copy patches and drivers are now available at
Unit tests do pass, but I had to postpone any more extensive tests for now.
2007/7/16, Kris Jurka <books@ejurka.com>:
> 1) Your CopyObjects example pays no attention to encoding or escaping.
> Calling getBytes() will give you bytes in the JVM's character set which
> can easily be different than the client_encoding which the driver will
> always set to UTF-8 (for 7.3 and up). You also have to think about what
> happens when your data contains a null escape, delimiter, or newline
> itself.
Example dropped for now. Once the core implementation is considered
acceptable, I'll add documentation and helper classes.
> 2) I'm not sure it's helpful to have the copy methods throw both an IO and
> SQL exception. Why not just wrap any IOExceptions inside a SQLException?
Wrapped as suggested.
> 3) What is the purpose of the reuse_buffer parameter? What is the use
> case for someone wanting a "fresh" buffer every time?
Dropped as unnecessary.
> 4) buildCopyQuery doesn't handle quoting/escaping of identifiers. By
> providing something like this you're now responsible for all the "hard"
> stuff. I would leave it out unless you're prepared to do a lot more
> thinking about it. It also doesn't handle all the possible copy options.
> Perhaps you should split this into core copy functionality and a helper
> class that builds upon it and can provide other useful things (escaping /
> conversion of java objects to pg datatypes).
Dropped as unnecessary.
> 5) The coding in QueryExecutorImpl is unsafe because once you get
> CopyInResponse you loop firing away data without listening for any return
> data. Consider a table which had a trigger on it which issued a notice
> for each row it received. If you don't read from the server the server
> will block and then you'll block sending it data. See the comments in
> core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl near MAX_BUFFERED_QUERIES for more details.
Changed so that data is sent only while the server stays quiet.
(Apparently I should write a test for this.)
> 6) You mix warnings and errors together. They should be kept separate.
Separated warnings from errors. After succesful recovery from copy
subprotocol state:
- if any errors were catched, they're thrown and warnings get dropped
as a side effect;
- if any warnings got collected, they're thrown, since I'm unsure
about how to handle them.
> 7) When you get CopyResponses and the user hasn't provided the appropriate
> stream you bail leaving the protocol in an unknown state. You should
> issue a CopyFail and wait for ReadyForQuery so the whole connection isn't
> lost.
Fixed as suggested.
Kalle Hallivuori +358-41-5053073 http://korpiq.iki.fi/