ProfiVPS Support <> writes:
I hope everything is there to enable testing.
Thanks for sending a test case! But I think this is a logic bug
in your function. There are several updates of app_devices in
that function. Adding some "raise notice" commands to track the
logic flow, I see that the given case results in
'DE:AD:A7:14:69:9210.123.4.12', 'ruckusphp', '', 'pstates_enabled',
'state', '{et}', '{0}', '{1}');
NOTICE: first update happening
NOTICE: fourth update happening
(1 row)
So it is first doing
UPDATE app_devices SET device_state=1, device_changets=NOW(), device_updatets=NOW()
WHERE device_id= dev_id;
and then later doing the UPDATE you showed. But at that point,
device_state is already 1 so neither of the device_alertstate or
device_changets updates change the column's value. It's unobvious
that the device_changets update is a no-op because the first
UPDATE already set it to the same new value.
regards, tom lane