Re: Shared detoast Datum proposal - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Tomas Vondra
Subject Re: Shared detoast Datum proposal
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Shared detoast Datum proposal  (Andy Fan <>)
Responses Re: Shared detoast Datum proposal
List pgsql-hackers

I took a quick look on this thread/patch today, so let me share a couple
initial thoughts. I may not have a particularly coherent/consistent
opinion on the patch or what would be a better way to do this yet, but
perhaps it'll start a discussion ...

The goal of the patch (as I understand it) is essentially to cache
detoasted values, so that the value does not need to be detoasted
repeatedly in different parts of the plan. I think that's perfectly
sensible and worthwhile goal - detoasting is not cheap, and complex
plans may easily spend a lot of time on it.

That being said, the approach seems somewhat invasive, and touching
parts I wouldn't have expected to need a change to implement this. For
example, I certainly would not have guessed the patch to need changes in
createplan.c or setrefs.c.

Perhaps it really needs to do these things, but neither the thread nor
the comments are very enlightening as for why it's needed :-( In many
cases I can guess, but I'm not sure my guess is correct. And comments in
code generally describe what's happening locally / next line, not the
bigger picture & why it's happening.

IIUC we walk the plan to decide which Vars should be detoasted (and
cached) once, and which cases should not do that because it'd inflate
the amount of data we need to keep in a Sort, Hash etc. Not sure if
there's a better way to do this - it depends on what happens in the
upper parts of the plan, so we can't decide while building the paths.

But maybe we could decide this while transforming the paths into a plan?
(I realize the JIT thread nearby needs to do something like that in
create_plan, and in that one I suggested maybe walking the plan would be
a better approach, so I may be contradicting myself a little bit.).

In any case, set_plan_forbid_pre_detoast_vars_recurse should probably
explain the overall strategy / reasoning in a bit more detail. Maybe
it's somewhere in this thread, but that's not great for reviewers.

Similar for the setrefs.c changes. It seems a bit suspicious to piggy
back the new code into fix_scan_expr/fix_scan_list and similar code.
Those functions have a pretty clearly defined purpose, not sure we want
to also extend them to also deal with this new thing. (FWIW I'd 100%%
did it this way if I hacked on a PoC of this, to make it work. But I'm
not sure it's the right solution.)

I don't know what to thing about the Bitset - maybe it's necessary, but
how would I know? I don't have any way to measure the benefits, because
the 0002 patch uses it right away. I think it should be done the other
way around, i.e. the patch should introduce the main feature first
(using the traditional Bitmapset), and then add Bitset on top of that.
That way we could easily measure the impact and see if it's useful.

On the whole, my biggest concern is memory usage & leaks. It's not
difficult to already have problems with large detoasted values, and if
we start keeping more of them, that may get worse. Or at least that's my
intuition - it can't really get better by keeping the values longer, right?

The other thing is the risk of leaks (in the sense of keeping detoasted
values longer than expected). I see the values are allocated in
tts_mcxt, and maybe that's the right solution - not sure.

FWIW while looking at the patch, I couldn't help but to think about
expanded datums. There's similarity in what these two features do - keep
detoasted values for a while, so that we don't need to do the expensive
processing if we access them repeatedly. Of course, expanded datums are
not meant to be long-lived, while "shared detoasted values" are meant to
exist (potentially) for the query duration. But maybe there's something
we could learn from expanded datums? For example how the varlena pointer
is leveraged to point to the expanded object.

For example, what if we add a "TOAST cache" as a query-level hash table,
and modify the detoasting to first check the hash table (with the TOAST
pointer as a key)? It'd be fairly trivial to enforce a memory limit on
the hash table, evict values from it, etc. And it wouldn't require any
of the createplan/setrefs changes, I think ...


Tomas Vondra
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Subject: Re: Shared detoast Datum proposal